

recent films consumed:

la dolce vita
harold and maude
friends of god: a road trip with alexandra pelosi

i enjoyed each one. fellini's i had to read a bit about to truly understand what he was trying to convey. i thought i had missed something plot wise, but no, it really was just a series of evenings and dawns.

friends of god was interesting. it reminded me of my childhood and growing up around christian fundamentalist, and then it reminded me of where our nation is headed. fundamentalism is something that is hard to crasp and literally scares me. i can't wait to watch jesus camp.

i just saw a preview for a documentary on the prisoners of war in iraq and how the us army tortured them. it looks really interesting. lately, i've been watching a lot of these types of films and reading newsweek. it's almost an election year, i have to dive back into the politics pool.

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