
t u m b l r .

i have moved over to tumblr.



l a c k .

i keep writing entries and deleting them due to lack of content. they just aren't funny, and i thought i would have something funnier to say. so, this will be my update because i can't find anything better to write.

basically, i work too much. happy hour is my new jam though.


h e c t i c .

i work so much now, i never get to update my blog. total sadness. having three jobs might kill me, but so far i'm enjoying it and don't really have time to spend the money i'm making. i just learned that we are closed at the grocery on may 25th, which means yay! a day off and i get paid for it! that's what i'm talking about.

i'm also going to be house sitting for almost three weeks starting next weekend. it'll be like a mini-vacation before my real one. and they live right by the springs. swimming every day = happy avan. now i just have to find a margarita lover to drink with me after work/swimming.

vacation is less than a month away. i finally get to go to a film festival outside of austin and not have to work it. i bought passes and can't wait to drink free alcohol and party with my brother in vegas. it's going to be awesome to just totally let loose and not worry about anything. some of my friends from austin will even be there!

nutt and evan get back in a week!!!


o n e y e a r a g o .

i just don't want to be lonely anymore.


it's still true a year later.

start writing down all the funny random things that happen to me because my life really is a sitcom. i'm going to write a funny screenplay if it kills me. i'm a funny person. people tell me this all the time. the powers of my brother and i combined would be unstoppable.

the amount of love i have for my cat has to be unhealthy. seriously, i could sit and stare at her for hours, and i do. she is currently curled into a ball sleeping next to my computer on my bed as i sit here typing. if i pet her she will wake up and clean herself wherever i touched her. i think she is OCD.


can i start using fail-whaled as a term instead of just failed? is that cool?


i kind of want to apply for a position at cinevegas for volunteer manager. i'm not sure my brother would appreciate me crashing on his couch for two months. hmmm.